Thursday, May 12, 2005

What the Bible Says... and about the current Administration and its policies:

Social Security:

On Wednesday, the administration's point man on Social Security, Allan Hubbard, said the approach Bush favors would mean smaller survivor benefits than projected for many children and widows.

"Seek Justice,
Undo oppression;
Defend the fatherless,
Plead for the widow."

(Isaiah 1:17)

The Bankruptcy Law

Lobbyists for the credit card industry say the legislation is needed to close loopholes that make it too easy for people to wipe out their debts when they could repay some of them.

Consumer advocates say it would allow some rich debtors to continue to hide wealth through homeownership while bankruptcy relief would be denied to many people with low or moderate incomes who have fallen on hard times because of illness, job loss or divorce.

"What do you mean by crushing the people,
By grinding the face of the poor?"

(Isaiah 3:15)

Medicaid Cuts

with Medicaid singled out for a $10 billion reduction in the four-year period beginning in 2007.

"He who oppresses a poor man insults his Maker,
He who is kind to the needy honors Him."

(Proverbs 14:31)

Tax Cuts for the Wealthy

And no Republicans expressed second thoughts about passing pricey tax cuts during the president's first term.

"I am convinced that without tax cuts, the recession would have been deeper and longer," said Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah.

"The Lord enters into judgment
With the elders and princes of his people:
It is you who have devoured the vineyard,
The spoil of the poor is in your houses."

(Isaiah 3:14)

Just sayin...


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