Monday, September 05, 2005

At Long Last...

...signs of life in the Democratic Party.

Apparently there will be an official announcement this afternoon as to a Democratic plan for dealing with the horrors following Hurricane Katrina.

First of all, it's about time the Democrats finally came up with a coherent plan about anything. They're the opposition party right now, but that doesn't mean that they are relegated to rolling over each time a new Republican bill gets introduced. It's time to start taking action against this maladministration and all of the devastation it has wreaked on this nation.

Second, until this bill, or something very much like it, the Senate should refuse to consider anything else, including the pending nomination of John Roberts to Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and that devil-begotten repeal of the Estate Tax. The Democrats should filibuster everything else until this is passed.

Read the proposed plan here and then get on the phone, the fax, or the email section and let your senators and your representative know what you expect.

Do it now.


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4:06 PM  

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