Sunday, September 03, 2006

He's Ba-a-a-ack!

Anwaar Hussain, my favorite Middle Eastern analyst, has done it again. After his last piece (which is blatantly anti-semitic, trust me on this) I thought maybe he had jumped the shark. I was wrong. His latest op-ed piece is both insightful and deliciously snarky. From the Pak Tribune:

Most recently, the president of United States said: "This nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation."

Not to be debated here is the fact that the United States itself is now embarked on a course of such vile fascism that even genuine American fascists are distancing themselves from the Neocon. Also not to be debated here is the fact that the Islamic fundamentalists who, according to the grapevine, perpetrated 9/11 and similar crimes in Europe, hanker for a fundamentalist theocracy, not fascism. Nor will we mull over the fact that the new American fascists themselves have welded religion and government together so thoroughly, that it's difficult to tell one from the other.

No sirs, the agenda of the Islamic cave dwellers of Tora Bora [al-Qaeda] is anything but fascist. "Islamic fascism," this most current war cry of the Neocons, is nothing more than the latest terminological inexactitude on the descending power curve of the Neocons, an ugly last ditch attempt to breathe new life into the quickly fading, faltering and dying warhorse of the Neocons.

Unlike our lying Neocons, Benito Mussolini, the true father of fascism, had a pretty straightforward definition of his creed. He, in his seminal essay "The Doctrine of Fascism," wrote:

"Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism, because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

If the Neocons really were convinced of their cause, if they were a little less deceiving and a little more forthcoming, they would have come up with a more becoming name for their agenda. Allow me to explain.

..., since September 11 (the much pined for "New Pearl Harbor" of the Neocons) was indeed the launching pad of Neocon campaign, let us quickly see who profited and who lost in the wake of 9/11.

Fact 1: The period since September 11 has seen the plains of the Middle East continuously drenched with the blood of innocent Muslims, who are the supposed perpetrators of the crime. Internationally, during the same period, their coreligionists have been increasingly treated like dogs.

Fact 2: During the same period, the Anglo-American military-industrial corporation has enjoyed a boom without parallel since the Second World War.

Mr. Hussain has nailed it, and he has done so in textbook fashion. The rest of his piece (and I urge you to click on the link above and read it) buttresses his contention that the real corporatists (fascists) are not the Muslim extremists but rather the US and its allies in this latest version of the Crusades. By using the "Five Cardinal Business Rules" Mr. Hussain makes the case that the real beneficiaries of the current US policies are "The Five Morons," most of whom have a financial stake in the battles.

It's too bad that during this election season there is no one in the US who is willing to point these things out to an electorate battered by the costs of this misguided policy. I suppose that would be asking too much of candidates, most of whom are also reaping the benefits.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it frightening to entertain the thought that the cabal in the WH acted with the intention of inflicting war on the underclasses for the purpose of self-enrichment? You'd have to think the whole bunch are monsters... oh, right.

from Ruth

6:04 AM  

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