Tuesday, November 07, 2006

V - for Victory - Day

Tomorrow we know for sure, but getting here is great. I just have to savor it that the country has come to this point, it has seen the complete breakdown at the top and is ready to act in the logical, lawful way that the constitution provides, a free election.

I can hear the snorts of laughter out there, of those who think the Grand Old Prevaricators have already rigged it. The Die(bold) is cast. The redistricting put all the good thinkers in a minority in every district. The big money has bought up such professional ads that six years of malfeasance are gone, in the face of the threat of the fabled profligate tax-and-spend Democrat tradition, ignoring the pay-as-you-go precedent it set, memories of the surplus have been erased by the overdose of Koolaid. I don't accept that. I live in a world of tribal people, too, but I continue to believe that decency will prevail.

This is the first day of a great opportunity, the way the world looked when WWII was won and people kissed, when JFK was elected, the way it looked when Nixon left, the day you got back your SAT's and you had a perfect score (in English language, not math), the day you got that Council on the Arts award in playwriting, the day you held the love of your life. By the way, if you didn't click on 'This is the first day', you don't have great music for great events playing, do yourself a favor and click on it.

I am ready and you have been working steadily, believing that fellow citizens will see reason, will have the good will to put into play the powers of government that this great nation has in place for the good of its people. Truth will out, good will triumph, good citizens will be elected today - the time has come for that to happen.

And for all of our sakes, I am looking forward to men and women of good will taking back the reins of government, using the powers for good. Not wishful thinking here. There are perfectly good mechanics available. Throughout history, the attempts of presidents of one persuasion or another have not overcome the good will of the American people for any length of time, and appointments to the Supreme Court of ideologues has for the most part turned those ideologues into men of stature and judgment. Not many people who have achieved high office have been sanguine about knowing their place in history will be one of contempt and disrepute, and I deeply wish for all of our sakes that the next two years will not bring one, or more than one, out, any more than already has happened. And that a wish, even need, for honor will overcome present greed and corruption.

Sometimes I think our forefathers were overly optimistic about education and freedom being the element that would bring out humanity's good judgment and moral sensibilities. That belief has been sorely tested. This country is at a very low ebb but it can, and shows the ability to, come back from the abyss. Please join me in giving the United States a boost. Those admitting they did wrong are not to be despised, they are to be congratulated. Truth is triumphing, long let it wave.

To those who stuck doggedly to the high path, today is your day. You should be proud, and you should be rewarded. The honor you have earned isn't the cheap politicized variety , but real gold. Today is a good day for you to be proud.

Have you voted yet?




Blogger Elmo said...

What a cute little bumble bee!

I'm voting tonight after work.

8:59 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

I'm tickled to hear it.

10:46 AM  

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