How About Celebrating

Yep, that's what we need, the beginning of a real, authentic, patriotic and functioning congress. And today is the day.
It's going to get the all day treatment at some of the networks, even. A Democratic Congress. This is such a joyous occasion for all of us who've worked for it and promoted it, I hope it's everything we've dreamed of, and then some.
Of course, the numbers aren't all that I wished for, I'd like the Democratic representation to be at least 80%, but if this 110th Congress shows the gumption we're asking for, that could be in the works.
I suspect that intractably idiotic 30% that keeps showing up in the polls is salivating over the cretin in chief's call for bipartisanship yesterday. I guess there's some out there who will be nodding in the usual bobble-head doll fashion, agreeing with the blatant lies. Yep, there's a 'stalemate' to come if 'political' bills are passed. After six years of long hearings on constitutional amendment to prohibit gay people from having the rights the rest of us have, middle of the night whack-a-mole action on bills on the serious matters like appropriations, (with provisions like allowing anyone to have access to everyone else's IRS records as long as a member of the Appropriations committee lets them), 'political' is not the designation for offensive to most of the public. Still, there will be those energized at the prospect of name-calling by the morons in high office. I am looking forward to serious action on the matters of state. I am looking forward to committee discussions, supervision by hearings that deal with the misadministration of matters of public interest and of justice. As noted on Sunday, I am waiting for a new rebirth of wonder.
This is a chance to set things right, and we have a lot of expectations. While that allows for disappointment if everything doesn't go our way - and personally, I think prosecution for war crimes of all the members of the administration directly involved in executing this war is called for - we still need to keep rooting for the achievements, and getting involved in making them happen. If need be, we need to get out on the streets and make sure our leaders know we are not going to take any more tearing this country down.
Labels: 110th Congress
I agree that we are going to have to start taking it to the streets, now, tomorrow and every day until the people's will has been made explicit.
The Imus show today took a call from McCain where he explained that Liebermans' win in liberal CT meant that the Americans 11/7 vote was not a sentiment against the war.
The mid-term election was not about the Iraq war, John?
I can parse the facts out of that but you know how those statements gain credibility when repeated over and over.
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