Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Outbreak of Morality

It was bound to happen. Humanity has broken out among the human beings who got caught up into backing this immoral regime - to promote what they have transmogrified into a sort of 'religion'.

The National Association of Evangelicals has endorsed an anti-torture statement saying the United States has crossed "boundaries of what is legally and morally permissible" in its treatment of detainees and prisoners in the war against terror.

In the beginning, there was this word, that the right wing would triumph and set up a kingdom. As supposedly even the 'Christian' right follows the teachings of Christ, that would of course go against his teachings that his kingdom is not of this earth.

However, for the wingers, it evidently seemed like this was where they would just have to ignore those pesky teachings. See, if they could just hold their noses while the evil cretins in chief gave them a toehold in the government, they'd have a lot of power 'for good'.

What happened, of course, is that the 'religious' element became the evil. Their leader, who taught the original Christianity, seems to have had it right.

The NEA statement goes on:

Our military and intelligence forces have worked diligently to prevent further attacks. But such efforts must not include measures that violate our own core values.

Of course the usual hatemongers, the Focus on Family and its sort, have not joined in with the moral crusaders. It might be that the rightwing in its resurrected state as powermongers cannot afford to reject the immoral leadership that it has tied its interests to.

The leader of NAE, Rev. Rick Cizik, has been condemned for expressing the Biblical teachings to be stewards of the environment as well. This is radical territory, the sort that Christ forged ahead in. It is roundly condemned in the televangelical community, and may even lead into defense of the poor and downtrodden.

But I am much encouraged that there is the bursting of the seams of those rejecting unseemly behavior in the name of 'righteousness'.

Good keeps trying to win in the end. It has a place even in the right wing.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

And may I say, it's about time.

Anyone calling him or herself a Christian (I can't speak about other faiths, but I was brought up Catholic and am aware of that church's social teachings) has a moral obligation, in my opinion, to condemn torture. It is only through a horrific effort of blinding oneself not only to the realities of what the government is doing in our names but also the plain words, not only of the Old Testament (read the prophets on social justice) but of Jesus Himself that anyone can claim to be a Christian and not be outraged at the illegal and unconscionable acts being done in our names.

2:20 PM  

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