Military Lies Getting a Hearing

Here It Comes Again. The military is announcing evidence that Iran has been training and equipping insurgents. Just in time to cover for the facts that our losses since the "surge" are mounting, violence is increasing, and the Iraqi people are demanding that we leave.
Is the military at all interested in conducting a war that has fallen apart on us? I would not think so. With military leaders declaring that the army is being destroyed by its insertion into conflict which is not related to America's interests or American security, this warmongering cabal in the White House is increasingly desperate to keep the war going. Meanwhile, they have mounted efforts to find a flunkie, a so-called czar, to put the blame on, and nobody will take the job. Hardly surprising, in view of the recent history of its own appointees' being pitched out, that this maladministration isn't having much success recruiting fall-guys.
I congratulate Rep. Waxman for the hearings he will be calling to look into military falsifications, which are particularly timely in view of the new newsfront. The oversight committee under Waxman's leadership is inviting the family of the late Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch, both of whose stories are vastly different from the stories that the military put out, to testify about the military news machine.
"I think it's very important to find out why mistaken, erroneous, false information was provided concerning this tragic death, both to the family and to the American people," said Rep. Tom Lantos (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., the No. 2-ranking member of the oversight committee behind Waxman.
One top-ranking officer, then-Maj. General Stanley McChrystal, tried to warn President Bush a week after Tillman's death to avoid repeating in speeches the official Army line: that Tillman had been killed by enemy forces. McChrystal knew an investigation would probably conclude it was friendly fire, according to internal Pentagon memos obtained by The Associated Press.
The White House says Bush never got the message from McChrystal, who still heads military special operations. But Gen. John Abizaid, chief of Central Command at the time, did get the information before Tillman's family.
"The deception surrounding this case was an insult to the family," Tillman's relatives said in a news release after the Pentagon's findings were disclosed March 26, "but more importantly, its primary purpose was to deceive a whole nation.
"Perhaps subpoenas are necessary to elicit candor and accuracy from the military," they said.
From the group that gave us WMD's, still is spouting known lies about the al Quaeda in Iraq, yellow cake fantasies and fabrications about who shot Pat Tillman among many, many other lies, we have no reason to believe the latest round of war stories. In fact, it is a disservice to our troops to continue swallowing manufactured reasons to throw their lives away.
This is no longer a war, it is a holding action to keep the cretin in chief from having to admit what almost the entire world, at least the sane part, has realized.
We lost.
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