Thursday Birding

In case you haven't seen this before, in Munchen, Germany, Petra the black swan has developed an infatuation. She follows her swan boat everywhere, and when it was put away for the winter, she waited...waited...waited... until April 2nd, when the swan boat was returned from storage. Petra the Faithful Swan Made-In Munchen began to follow her beloved once again.

This is the family that Petra will not have with her swan boat. Unless there is a petra dish in their future.
Black swans are native to Australia, but are introduced rather widely for ornamental purposes. They do not normally migrate. They are also monogamous.
My understanding, which if you have any other information, please tell me, is that animals do not have a size recognition faculty. I had ponies that were frightened by kittens playing in evening shadows and by an adolescent peacock at various times.
Labels: Birding
Ruth, it was my understanding that animals do. Many species depend on some kind of trickery to make themselves look bigger when they are threatened.
From that, I take it that animals can tell the difference.
FeralLiberal agreed with Tena, saying that cats will 'puff up' to appear more ferocious.
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