Thursday Birdblogging

This is from where you can also get a recording of its call.
Last year I went on a birding tour at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge and saw a nesting pileated woodpecker, that made a majestic flight while we watched. Very exciting. If you're really looking to see a particular bird, I recommend contacting local birding groups to find out if some one knows of a place that it's being seen regularly.
Yesterday, coming down the driveway I am almost sure I saw one near my house, where there are several very old trees. From the size of this bird, I don't know what else it could have been.
Of course, it could be the Ivory billed woodpecker of all birders' fantasies. Could be.
The pileated woodpecker I find out is an omnivore: 'A large part of its diet is made up of carpenter ants and beetle larvae. It uses its sharp bill to pull bark off a tree to expose ant colonies. It uses its long, sticky tongue to poke into holes and drag out the ants.'
Labels: Birding
We have a breeding pair of these birds and they come to our suet feeders on our front porch. Yes, not 3 feet from our front door we can see these lovely birds close up and enjoy their antics.
They bring their young up to the feeders after they fledge so we almost feel like grandparents.
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