Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Your Daily Bread

It is always encouraging to see advancement of sound policies. While we wish this were something that out government were doing, it's worth noticing, and when we elect a rational executive we can look forward to such worthwhile actions, too.

Our Agriculture Department has been politicized to the point of making it a disservice to America. In Yurp, those decadent socialists are trying to keep abreast of current needs and make food available as broadly as possible.

The EU is renewing efforts to reform its Common Agricultural Policy, the rural payments system that costs more than 40bn euros (£32bn) a year.

It is due to announce proposals aimed at making farming more efficient and environmentally friendly.

The European Commission will suggest going further down a road it embarked on five years ago.

It aims to scrap milk quotas and give farmers incentives to look after the countryside rather than producing food.
The commission wants to progressively cut subsidies to farms, and shift the money saved to protect and promote traditional family farms.

The environment is talking back to us, and amazingly enough, there are governments that are capable of listening.

"There are indications that the era of abundant supplies of agricultural commodities is changing and we are moving into a period of not only rapidly increasing food demand, but also much greater market volatility for agricultural commodities," it (Copa-Cogeca, the EU farmers’ professional organisation,)warned, adding that this means that "the CAP of the future may need to place more emphasis than in recent years on ensuring that Europe's agricultural production capacity is optimised so that its 500 million citizens are ensured stable and secure supplies of food, produced to the highest standards of safety and sustainability, and that the EU plays its role in meeting world demand."

This makes me yearn all the more for making the government work for this country, rather than against it - as this worst administration ever has done. We don't have to be behind the rest of the world in rational, functional government.

Look to what we could be doing, and it makes you really ashamed.

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