Thursday, June 05, 2008

Locking In The War

The usual suspects are robbing this country of its future, which sad to say is not a new development for the war criminals. Despite the American public and the Iraqi public expressing their desire for us to disengage from that country, the occupied White House is plowing more land to plant its dragon teeth - and watching sanguinely if not happily as the armed forces spring up ready to fight more.

Despite opposition from both the Iraqi and American people, President Bush appears to be forging ahead on a multi-year security agreement with the Iraqi government that would lock in the occupation status quo.

A British newspaper reports new details about the ongoing secret negotiations: Bush wants to retain the use of more than 50 military bases in Iraq and is insisting on immunity from Iraqi law for U.S. troops and contractors, as well as a free hand to carry out military activities without consulting the Baghdad government. The pact, which Bush has said he does not intend to submit for Congressional approval, would take effect shortly before he leaves office. Reversing it, while possible, would force a future president to break an international commitment.

But there are signs of increasing resistance on the Iraqi side. At a congressional hearing yesterday, two members of the Iraqi parliament said Bush's terms would infringe on Iraqi sovereignty and perpetuate the violence there. They said any agreement should include a timetable for a quick departure of U.S. troops.

Any slight resemblance that this worst administration ever might have to a legitimate government has been discarded. Locking our government into an extended disaster cannot be in the interests of anyone except the severely delusional who will not stop digging the hole they're in, because it would be admitting their errors. When Iraq's
delegates are representing the American public interest better than its elected representatives are, it's time to end the farce.

This agreement should be ended by the congress, and the administration ended as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the Iraqis also thanked American antiwar demonstrators. That made me smile. Like you, I wish our maddeningly timid or clueless elected reps would do something good here and stop insinuating that Iraqis aren't doing enough. Everytime I hear that, it makes me even more ashamed.

1:09 PM  

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