Saturday, July 05, 2008

An Analysis From The Middle East

It's time for another foray into Watching America to see what the rest of the world is thinking when it comes to the US. Our presidential election campaign is a popular topic, but so is our Middle East policy. The article that drew my attention, however, was a rather interesting look back over the Bush years published July 4 by Middle East Times. The author of the article, Tariq A. al-Maeena, is a Saudi socio/political commentator who talked to Americans about their views of the current administration. Some of his statements are a bit questionable, but on the whole, his conclusions make a lot of sense.

And today, while America bleeds under the onslaught of rising prices and home foreclosures, his tenure was not a loss for all. Those connected to the presidency such as Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld have reportedly done remarkably well, and their personal portfolios have shown positives gains.

The trillions of dollars gone to support Bush's foreign adventures could and should have been spent on the welfare of his people.

The money spent could have averted the current financial crisis many Americans are experiencing. Old age care, improved health coverage and funding for more schools would have been a far more palatable alternative to Americans than dead bodies littering the killing fields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bush is using the little time left for him in the White House for more warmongering. Iran has become the buzzword of his administration, just as Saddam Hussein's WMDs were then. He does want to shape the world to his distorted view of democracy and peace, and he does that by waging more wars and creating more mayhem.

Most Americans agree today that their quality of life has suffered. And why not? The cost of maintaining Bush's overseas adventures has taken away critically needed federal funds from domestic use. And with the cost of his war on the rise, very little relief can be forecast, unless dramatic measures are taken as soon as Bush departs. But with his clone in the shape of John McCain waiting in the shadows, is there any hope for Americans?
{Emphasis added]

Mr. al-Maeena's conclusion hits at the excuse used by the Bush administration for stripping away our rights, our honor, and our treasure:

The world is certainly no safer than when you took over, Mr. Bush. And while Bush would like to be remembered for doing the right thing, I wonder how many of the homeless and destitute today would agree with such a rosy picture.

No safer indeed. In fact, the Bush administration has devastated the most basic requirements for a real security: adequate and safe food supplies, clean air and water, and housing. The only people who have benefited from his two terms as president have been the business interests who have enjoyed the rollback of regulatory oversight and the gifts of no-bid contracts. The rest of us, well, we got less than nothing.

And the rest of the world has noticed.

199 days.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's emphasize that the Bush years were the years that even the Democrats gave their hand to the pillaging of Americans. Those were the years that the so-called left wingers such as Pelosi turned out to be turncoats to the goals of the poor and gave money to Bush in the inflated huge figures he requested. And 2008 was finally when the Democratic party has become Rockefeller Republicans.

It's almost wall to wall turning of the back on non-rich Americans.

5:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No word was mentioned about the power behind the throne. There is an excellent Arabic saying which roughy translates to: "He who befriends a tribe for forty days beomes one of them." Bush not only befriended Zionist neocons, he was happy not only to jump into bed with them but was not perturbed to make their whims his command as well!

10:57 PM  

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