Saturday, September 06, 2008


The GOP's nominee for Vice President, Gov. Sarah Palin, has uttered the obvious: the Iraq War was about oil. It was nice to see a Republican finally admit what the rest of the country suspected all along. Now that the causus belli is out in the open, it's pretty obvious that the gang that couldn't shoot straight screwed that part up as well. From Iraq's Azzaman:

Iran is pressuring Iraqi authorities to exclude U.S. oil majors from contracts to develop the country’s massive oil fields, sources at the Oil Ministry said.

The sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the authorities currently favor Chinese and Russian companies to those of the United States.

Their remarks come following a contract the ministry signed last month with China’s state-owned oil firm CNPC.

The $3bn oil services contract is a renegotiated deal of the Ahdad oilfield which CNPC had agreed to develop in 1977.

China is the first country to win such a contract since the 2003 U.S. invasion of the country.

And how is it that the second member of the Axis of Evil has such power over Iraqi decisions? After all, it wasn't that long ago that the two countries were at war, a war so bitter that millions from both countries died in it.

Well, there's that Shiite-Sunni thing that neither George Bush nor John McCain still quite understand. Once the US toppled Saddam Hussein and his Sunni government, the Iraqi Shiites, a huge majority in the country, could take over and could count on their Shiite neighbors in Iran for back-up. And that is precisely what Iran gave.

The Ministry of Oil and other key portfolios such the Ministry of Interior and Finance are in the hands of pro-Iran Shiite factions.

Analysts say it is difficult today for any major development, whether economic or political, to take place in Iraq without Iranian consent.

Iran has emerged as the country’s top trading partner. Its firms are present in the Kurdish north and southern Iraq carrying out projects worth billions of dollars.

Iranian goods are the most conspicuous merchandise in Iraqi shops.

Iraq, though occupied and administered by America, has grown to be so pendent (sic) on Iran that some analysts see it as a satellite state of Tehran.

In other words, the Iraq War was the biggest gift the US could have given Iran. If so many people hadn't been (and continue to be) killed and maimed on both sides, the whole thing would be darkly humorous. But they were/are and it isn't.

Heckuva job, George!

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Blogger Nora said...

But you see, Diane, we're going to make up for that little boo-boo by attacking Iran. That will make it all better!

/neocon apologist.

11:36 AM  

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