Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thursday Birdblogging

Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs side-by-side at Mitchell Lake. Photo by Brad Alprin

The Lesser Yellowlegs is a slender, long-legged shorebird that readily shows off the brightly colored legs that give it its name. It is an active feeder, often running through the shallow water to chase its prey.

Cool Facts

* Both the male and femal Lesser Yellowlegs provide parental care to the young, but the female tends to leave the breeding area before the chicks can fly, thus leaving the male to defend the young until fledging.

A common, tall, long-legged shorebird of freshwater ponds and tidal marshes, the Greater Yellowlegs frequently announces its presence by its piercing alarm calls.
Cool Facts

* Although the Greater Yellowlegs is common and widespread, its low densities and tendency to breed in inhospitable, mosquito-ridden muskegs make it one of the least-studied shorebirds on the continent.



Blogger H. Candace Gorman said...

I am pleased to say I saw the greater longlegged while at Gitmo. I had lost my bird book and emailed our habeas listserv (of course the listserv is only used for important feedback!)... a fellow birder emailed me back with the identification.
These birds also take to the highway... I have seen them walking the road at Gitmo in the evening.... I guess we could all speculate about this...on another day.

2:27 PM  
Blogger Ruth said...

When I lived in Chincoteague, VA, I had the great privilege of visiting the Wildlife Refuge almost daily, and becoming familiar with birds. I can't begin to tell you commenters/readers how much pleasure I take in seeing my birds. Just had a slate colored junco stop by.

7:42 AM  

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