Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pardon My Snicker

Oh, those silly Republicans. They pass Ryan's budget in the House on a strictly partisan vote and now they're gearing up for the next big battle, the one over raising the US debt limit. Except maybe they can't, at least according to Jon Healey in the latest post on his opinion blog.

The fiscal 2012 budget resolution proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) drew the support of all 235 Republicans present and voting Friday, as well as the opposition from all 193 Democrats in attendance. That means 235 members of the House GOP are now on record in favor of slowing the growth of domestic discretionary spending and Medicaid, shrinking the deficit gradually through fiscal 2015, and sharply reducing federal spending as a percentage of the economy over the long term.

They're also on record favoring an increase in the debt ceiling, which currently stands at $14.3 trillion.

Pages 5 and 6 of the budget resolution declare that the "appropriate levels of debt" subject to the debt ceiling are as follows:
[Emphasis added]

At this point, Healey lists the acceptable debt levels contained in the bill by year up to 2021, which stands at a whopping $23,105,000,000,000. And as far as Healey could tell, no amendments were attached to the bill to remove those annual debt ceilings. Apparently none of the Republicans read pages 5 and 6 before voting.

Game over.




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