Saturday, July 02, 2005


[Another in a continuing series about blogs I think well worth regular visits.]

One of the things I find so hope-making in the blog world is the fact that anyone can blog about anything (at least for the time being), and if the word gets out about the blog's quality, folks will begin dropping by with great regularity. In other words, one does not have to be a Columbia School of Journalism graduate or a Congress Critter to get an opinion out to potentially millions of people.

Sure, there's some real garbage out there, but today's picks show how serious thinkers view the world and how their views can enlarge the reader's world.

First up is Echidne. This goddess of the snakes frequently publishes pictures of the embroidery she has done (and they are incredible), but she also has done plenty of really thought-provoking posts on current affairs.

Here's a sample of one her recent posts, provoked (I believe) by Sandra Day O'Connor's resignation from the Supreme Court:

Without birth control and the right to abortion there can be no real gender equality. It's as simple as that. If our fertility is controlled by the government we will ultimately bear children when that government wishes and we will not bear children when that government wishes. Having children changes our lives, more for women than for men, perhaps, but our lives are changed nevertheless, and sometimes these changes are damaging and physically and mentally costly.

My second site for today is First Draft. A group effort by Athenae, Holden, Pie, and Tena, this site is getting famous for Holden's obsession with the daily press gaggle that the Presidential Press Secretary holds each day. His comments on the gaggle inevitably hit the mark, frequently reducing me to giggles.

But Holden isn't the only one posting on that blog, and there's more to it than the gaggle report. Athenae, Pie, and Tena hold their own, believe me, and all four blog the heck out of news items, other blogs' posts, and life in general. Over the weekend, for example, Athenae posted sections of the US Constitution about the Supreme Court and about Treason. She had few comments, but even a slow-witted dolt had to have gotten the message.

Again, these blogs are worth regular visits. Go to each. Now.


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