Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday Cat Blogging

Sorry, folks, no picture of the glorious Homie Cat this week. The old Nikon FE is in the shop for cleaning and meter work. This is a shame, because Homie has gone out of his way to be cute all week.

Mia the big dog still loves him, although I don't see why. Homie pesters her constantly, but she just lies there and takes it, long tail thumping on the hard wood floor.

Some things I had I forgotten about kittens:

1. The first trick they become proficient at is untying shoe laces.

2. The second trick is climbing up jeans legs, claws completely out, whether one is wearing jeans or not.

3. Even a kitten weighing just slightly over one pound, when running down a carpeted hall way, is capable of making the same sound as a seven year old human child jumping on each step of a staircase on his way down. By the time the kitten becomes an adult, this talent is transmuted into the super-gravity thing cats are so good at. A cat who does not want to be picked up will weigh close to three tons in the blink of an eye.

4. Like all young animals, kittens alternate incredible bursts of energy with serious sleep time. However, in the morning, the bursts of energy are short and the sleep time is long. As the day progresses, the bursts of energy increase in length. By human bed time, the kitten has no need for sleep.

5. Kittens do not really believe that the naked human foot poking out from under the sheet and blanket is a mouse that must be captured and mutilated. That is simply an excuse used because the true nature of the game can never be revealed to humans. We are not worthy.

And we aren't.


Blogger s said...

Awww...reading this list makes me want a kitten.

I love it when they shinny up my leg and wind up on my shoulder.

10:08 PM  

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