Wednesday, October 11, 2006

This is a test.

Good morning and surprise! I will be Diane's alter ego for a few days while she's up to her ears in moving. Just to warn you, I am involved in a campaign and will pro'ly talk about it but will try not to be polemical. I live in N.TX. and have been sympatico with Diane at Eschaton for some time. Hope you will find my material up to par, I know Diane's set a high standard but will do my best. [There, that's the last of the humble pose.]

Now Diane thinks I'm going to change the time stamp, but I already told you I'm in N.TX. so you already know there's a warp in the time here.

Things will be slow this a.m. but I'll get serious with you all after work, which ends at noon usually. I'm semi-retired and just got encouraged to retire altogether by the caseworker on my ex's retirement. Except, not only do I get more $$ the longer I wait to retire, since I'm earning a semi-retired salary too, they factor in what time it would take for me to work and earn the difference. Such incentive to keep booting my rear end out of bed in the mornings, I can't resist.

So - Hello.



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