Sunday, January 07, 2007

Favorite Punchline

Okay I got a lot of laughs on Friday by the punchline, so I'm going to tell the joke itself, and as I said it was told me by the then editor of Rolling Stone - sorry, I don't remember who he was, I was evaluating a group for a grant and all their superstars were there.

A fella was touring Australia, he was really trying to get a feel for the true people/places, he came to a town named Mercy. He went into Mercy, he found a little cafe and he went in and looked at the menu that was up on the wall, and on it he saw 'koala tea'. Well what is more authentic than koala tea in Australia, so he ordered it from the big hairy guy behind the counter. Big hairy guy reaches up and gets a can down, pulls out a little koala bear and throws it screaming into a pot of boiling water. The visitor is too stunned to say anything. In a few minutes, the big hairy guy pours the pot full of screaming koala bear into a cup. There are little claws and fur and such floating around.

The visitor says "what on earth, I can't drink this, it's got all this stuff in it, why this koala tea isn't even decent!" and the big hairy guy rears back and says

"The Koala Tea of Mercy Is Not Strained."



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