Thursday, February 08, 2007

That Special Place In Hell

Okay, so maybe I don't really believe in hell, per se. If he did, the cretin in chief wouldn't be deep in lies and deceit, and so dismissive of the lives of others as he is, of course.

Throwing away the lives of others seems to be the m.o. of this executive branch, and I am watching in great hopes a group of veterans that are opposing them, vocally. Yes, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War probably were seminal in getting us out of that particular piece of stupidity.

Now we have a group called How wonderful, it depends on the internet, and uses their address as a name. That speaks volumes about where to look for thinking people.

The veterans are selling a blunt message: The Bush strategy in Iraq is a failure, and adding troops sends more young men and women to their deaths. If you care about the military, they told lawmakers, vote against the troop increase. Legislators who are stalling debate on the matter are "cowards," they said.

This week marked their third pilgrimage to the Capitol. They met privately with the staffs of 11 senators, mostly Republicans. They talked strategy behind closed doors with the Democrats who run the House and then held a media event with those leaders, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.), who praised them for speaking out.

Soltz, the group's intense 29-year-old co-founder who served in Iraq in 2003, displayed a fiery impatience with the procedural morass that has paralyzed the Senate. "I don't need some fancy Senate talk about why they can't vote," he said in an interview. "We just want a vote. We need a vote that tells the president that his strategy is not working."

The people asked to sacrifice their lives for the lies and venality of this administration are not going to take it anymore. Wonderful. It's bad enough that our kids and grandkids are being robbed to pay for this idiocy that is producing more violence in the future for them. We have a right to protest. But those who are actually losing their lives for it can say NO, too.

If this president actually were a practitioner of any religion, he would be backing out of the crime, or the sin, that he is committing in sheer fear of the consequences he believed in, that special place in hell for those who lie to get others to die. No such thing. Over and over he lies, over and over he sends other people into combat for no purpose except the gain of the war profiteers - and political gain with the simple minded.

It is a great thing to draw the line and say it's not right and I'm not going to do it, for the troops. Give them a shout out of support. Our lives are also at risk from the terrorism this administration is creating for the future, and we need the soldiers to fight against it by saying NO.

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Blogger Woody (Tokin Librul/Rogue Scholar/ Helluvafella!) said...

to the extent that the vvaw effective in coalescing opposition to the war, it was abetted very greatly by the number of vets who returned from Nam and were then separated, to return home with their memories and their medals...

i hate failing the gibberish typing test and having the machine laugh at me...

8:56 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Actually, I have almost as a joke guessed that the reason for keeping returning soldiers to Iraq is so they don't come home and become agitators agains the war. I may be more accurate there than I thought.

2:46 PM  

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