Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The U.S.'s International Joke In Chief

North Korea agreed in talks with 7 powers on February 13th to begin dismantling its nuclear facilities. The U.S. insisted that funds held in Macao would be released when signs of that commitment's being fulfilled had been received. We have agreed to release the funds. Nothing has happened. North Korea continues building its nuclear facilities.

Yesterday, No. Korea began its talks with So. Korea on military accomodation with a joke about our famously incompetent president.

General Kim's joke
Bush goes out jogging one morning and, preoccupied with international affairs, fails to notice that a car is heading straight at him.

A group of schoolchildren pull the president away just in time, saving his life, and a grateful Bush offers them anything they want in the world as a reward.

"We want a place reserved for us at Arlington Memorial Cemetery," say the children.

"Why is that?" asks Bush.

"Because our parents will kill us if they find out what we've done."

The U.S. has been quite busy shuttling back and forth to Egypt and shoring up its undemocratic elections with high praise about good things to come in the dim future. Egypt is not lifting a finger to aid either the opposition at home, or in international efforts to enlist Egypt to help end the genocide in Darfur.

Mubarak, who also spoke about Darfur during a telephone call with President Bush on yesterday, emphasized that dialogue and not sanctions will solve the conflict, Awad said.
Analysts say one reason Cairo is supporting the Sudanese government is to preserve its access to the Nile River, which runs through Sudan before reaching Egypt.

Eric Reeves, a Sudan expert at Smith College in Northampton, Mass., said that includes backing Khartoum's efforts to prevent southern Sudan from voting for independence in a 2011 referendum that will be held under a 2005 peace agreement that ended a 21-year civil war in the south.

Sudan's government opposes secessions because much of the country's oil is in the south, and Egyptians fear an independent southern Sudan could jeopardize the amount of Nile water that reaches Egypt.

"What you see is a convergence of interest between Cairo and Khartoum," Reeves said.

While Washington is calling for the bigger peacekeeping force in Darfur, experts say the US government is reluctant to pressure Egypt too strongly because it needs Egyptian help elsewhere in the region.

The respect that the cretin in chief has thrown away was the card that the U.S. held in negotiations up until his residency in the White House. Without that respect, the U.S. has little sway in the international scene. Without wisdom at its helm, the U.S. is the subject of laughter, as well as disdain.

The misappointments like Wolfowitz and Bolton are among many stumbles the executive branch has made. We have been subjected to a legacy of poo flinging, and now the flung-at are returning that favor.

In 2008 that lesson should be firmly held up for the voters to see and understand as they choose the next person to entrust this country to.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no innocence or altruism with the corporate media; it is designed for one purpose: to control human beings, from cradle to grave, to the dictates of corporatist masters, making us over the course of our lives obedient consumers, producers and slaves to globalism. It has been designed, through years of trial and error, to make of us all a mass of "good Americans", compliant, acquiescent, passive and ignorant, a nation of serfs in feudal servitude to corporatist lords. In order to dominate nations and peoples, in order to rape and pillage and exploit foreign resources and land, the empire must make extinct genuine Democracy at home, for the will of our people must not be allowed to be heard in an empire. An empire must destroy freedoms and rights, the better to control a population, the better to rule autocratically. Inevitably, empire fears its own people most, for only our people can put a stop to empire and its destructive direction, as we did with Nixon, for a time. Therefore, the power granted the people must be methodically altered or abolished, whichever is easiest to accomplish, whichever is cheaper to implement. The aptly-named Patriot "Act" and its progeny, the acceptance of illegal unconstitutional unamerican torture and false imprisonment, the decimation of the ancient Great Writ of Habeas Corpus, of Due Process and of our beloved Constitution itself, the shredding of our Bill of Rights, the ignorance of the Geneva Conventions and the subversion of the United Nations into a tool for machivellian trilateralist empire, as opposed to any genuine forum for negotiation between sovereign nations, sovereignty which itself has been subsumed by globalist corporatism, has destroyed the last 200 years of human enlightenment. Yet Americans have remained silent and passive in a one-sided war against their own freedoms and rights, and this is not entirely our own fault, yet is to the extent that we have allowed ourselves to be incessantly brainwashed by the outrageous media lies; that our protection from deliberately created enemies is or could somehow be "worth" the complete destruction of our cherished Freedom, and of our environment itself. Of course, facts such as our own U.S. mass creation of $51 million dollars worth of Jihadist texbooks and distribution of them through Afghan madrassas were either supressed entirely, never reported, ignored, or simply never questioned.

Now we see the results of these policys under Regan, whom, it will be remembered, millions of patriotic Americans repeatedly warned against. Democrats are less so but still complicit to the extent that we fail to challenge our own exploitation and that of others. Our Freedoms and Rights already have become, and continue to be hindrances in sustaining and expanding empire, for to maintain and enhance its power into the future, any empire must inevitably become even more imperialist, more predatory, more criminal in
nature. In order to sustain its ever-growing appetite, its addiction to wealth and tyranny, empire must dominate ever more egregiously the nations, peoples and resources of the world, and our own first. The quest for empire is akin to making the most foolish deal possible, as the demons created along the way are not beholden to nor will they honor any deal. And, as invariably happens, imperialism and the drive for empire abroad results in the loss of Freedoms, Rights and Liberties at home, for empire and Freedom are mutually exclusive and diametrically opposed concepts. Finally, subservience to empire plays into the hands of those who wish to destroy America in order to turn us into MexAmeriCanada, merely one arm of a tripartate global trading scheme with maximum efficiency not for We The People, but for the self-appointed Masters Of The Universe, the people behind Cheney and Bush. If we think Cheney and Bush are ugly, what sort of inhuman monsters must their puppeteers be? Already we are prisoners in a disgustingly illegal and despicable covert electronic dictatorship, whether you realize it or not, and we are enslaved to ruinous debt. America is being intentionally weakened, not strengthened. National Guard could not respond to Katrina because they had been deployed to Iraq, and now, far from learning our lessons and making any effort to restrengthen the core of our beloved nation, yet 30,000 more troops are being called for deployment into the disgraceful amoral outrage deliberately planned and initiated on a pretext which itself was at the very least an explicitly ignored murder of 3,5000 innocent Americans and other nationals on our own soil on 9/11, a criminal terror, the presumed author of which has repeatedly been allowed to escape justice. We need to know why this is so. This is not the America which our beloved parents of The Greatest Generation in many cases sacrificed their own lives to defeat the genocidal nazi empire, nor is this the America which those beloved parents of equal sacrifice in Vietnam, who served the call of our nations misguided dictates at that time, which they nevertheless patriotically did obey, made to bequeath us now. We must immediately impeach both Cheney and Bush, whom we never actually did elect to begin with, we must punish and prevent any other criminal tyrants who would destroy our beloved nation from within, whether on the pretext of protecting us from potential enemies, or through other deceptions and depredations of our Liberty, and we must insist and insure that our media tell us the honest truth. America cannot do otherwise and remain even nominally free or sovereign. -adapted from an article by M. Valenzuela.

Pulitzer Prize-Winning History Professor Bix: "Americans Should Fight For Impeachment Of Cheney, Bush." - May 7th 2007"For the past six years Cheney and Bush have set aside all standards of international law and morality regarding the use of force. On issues of the utmost public importance they have governed by lies, misstatements, and omissions of facts. Their campaign of deceit, amplified by the U.S. corporate media, helped to take a frightened American public into two illegal wars in violation of our U.S. Constitution and the U.N. Charter. Since then, Cheney and Bush's policies have spread violence and strife throughout the world, making the United States an object of unprecedented global animosity. Many Americans are aware that Cheney and Bush, with the connivance of key members of both parties, planned, initiated, and conducted wars of aggression and occupation that have essentially destroyed entire countries. Cheney and Bush have infringed our prerogatives of our U.S. Legislative and our Judicial branches; authorized our CIA and our military to torture and mistreat detainees; violated our U.S. Fourth Amendment by ordering warrantless electronic surveillance of Americans; violated our already revised Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), and curtailed our U.S. Constitutional Civil liberties of all Americans by abolishing the Right of Habeas Corpus for detainees at Guantanamo and anyone else whom the government arbitrarily labels an "enemy combatant." For these High Crimes And Misdemeanors, more and more Americans are now demanding the removal of Cheney and Bush from our White House. Two-thirds of our nation has seen in Bush's last incoherent State of the Union address, and in his tactic of escalating the war in Iraq that he will not set a deadline for a withdrawal of all of our troops, bases, and mercenary contractors from Iraq. Cheney and Bush are clearly unwilling and perhaps even incapable of reversing course and ending their misbegotten "war on terror." Disgusted and angry with this administration of rightwing ideologues and unindicted lawbreakers, the American People have every reason to want our U.S. Representatives in Congress to end the Bush-era and the Bush wars. We The People must step up our demand that our U.S. Congress gauge correctly where unchecked executive power is leading our nation. We need to begin our U.S. Constitutional procedure of drawing up Articles Of Indictment against Cheney and Bush, voting on those Articles in our U.S. House, then trying them in our U.S. Senate. If two-thirds of our U.S. Senators agree, then Bush and Cheney can indeed both be Convicted; their term will end; and they will be removed from our White House and become Subject to Criminal Indictment."

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's no secret to anyone that I published a book in 2004 called When Presidents Lie. The thesis of my argument was that while deception often appears
politically attractive to chief executives in the short term, it is always a mistake because reality cannot be lied away. Instead of dealing with the problems created by the reality, politicians end up dealing with the consequences of the lies and ignoring the actual problems which they were dealing with in the first place. Left ignored, this problem tends to metastasize and will come back, inevitably, to bite them. The dynamic described is on display in this story, in which we learn that recently declassified documents suggest that senior officers viewed the killings of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in late 2005 as a "potential public relations problem" that could "fuel insurgent propaganda" against the American military, leading investigators to question whether the officers' immediate response had been intentionally misleading.

Col. Gary Sokoloski, a lawyer who was chief of staff to Maj. General Richard Huck, division commander, approved a news release about the killings that investigators interviewing him in March 2006 suggested was "intentionally inaccurate" because it stated, contrary to the facts at hand, that the civilians had been killed by an insurgent's bomb. According to a transcript of the interview, Colonel Sokoloski told the investigators, "We knew the, you know, the strategic implications of being permanently present in Haditha, and how badly the insurgents wanted us out of
there." But Colonel Sokoloski told them he believed that the news release was accurate as written. "At the time," he said, "given the information that was available to me and the objective to get that out for the press" before insurgents put out their own information, "that is what we went with." So you see. The truth was considered too damaging at the time to be released, and a lie was constructed. But the truth was known to the people in the area and created the exact problem that could have been predicted. Add to that the additional problems that were created by the lies. And no one should be shocked by these massacres. Everyone who voted for and supported the war was voting for and supporting massacres. They are inevitable in war, particularly in guerrilla wars. Almost no wars are worth it. But I would submit that this war, most
predictably, manifestly was not." - adapted from an article by Eric Alterman at Altercation

Even those of us in agreement with Alterman's specific point, and with his views on the culpability of our military in service to the lies and the lying liars which led us into this disaster to begin with, actually do at a fundamental level, contrary to everything inanely repeated day after blessed day on FOX et al, support our troops, not only because they
are our own flesh and blood, and since we realize that they are essentially coerced and brainwashed as much or more than the rest of us, but we even make further allowances for the fact that they are duty bound, and thus acting as any of us very well might under the same
circumstances. But here, in sum, arises a larger problem; and that is the truth that the media, 99% it, lies constantly 24/7 about practically everything, much like the scorpion queried by the incredulous frog, as they both drowned in the pond, why he had
betrayed his promise not to sting his kind green friend, who had so generously agreed to ferry his too-clever-by-half companion across the pond; like the scorpion the media lies reflexively. They can't help it, it's their nature.

So many are waking up to this salient fact and many more that the lies are now growing even thicker: at this point not only in their expensively-coiffed forebrains do the media retain the necessity at all costs to hang on to their gold-plated meal-tickets, at the same time some of them, even more acutely than others, sense somewhat further back in their cerebelli that a significant part if not all of the lie-based power structure predicated on their expertly-honed skills is itself thereby jeapardized, and from this realization it takes scant nanoseconds for them to arrive by an actually truthful process of deduction, unfamilliar as that may be to a number of them, at conclusions there very well may be that many more that much more displeased tyrants to be placated, in various places where gold-plated meal tickets are issued and stamped even as the lies continue to unravel at an ever-increasing rate. If we allow that to a large extent, it is in the nature of the mediocracy to lie due to the conditions of their evolution and environment, one could almost pity the pundits, too, but not quite, as this is the same media whining that they have spent so much time developing their professional standards only to have to compete with guys in bathrobes named Vinny.

Now, telling the truth in this context does not seem to offer the media much of an alternative, contemplating that such a radical choice might only accellerate free-fall toward the dreaded process of meal-ticket revocation (see Norris, Chuck: Title sequence of "Branded"). Next, unbidden, arrives dawning realization that said pundits telling said truths might have also to face the additional ire of their mere viewers, who number quite a few more than even their owners. So, this Hobsonian choice will again most likely lead to even more lying, which hardly seems possible, given that the biggest of all is that We, the American People, ever genuinely needed, wanted, asked for, respected or in any way chose or selected either
the corrupt, bloated, inefficient, criminally intrusive present government and its attendant non-elected beurocracy, or the "Non-Governmental Organizations" with whom they coordinate their chicanery, or the false-flag pretexts for their illegal wars, or the illegally coordinated spying, "non-lethal" "social engineering" mind-control and police-state technotronic maw of
supercomputer wink-and-nod big-brotherism, the government-sponsored corporate welfare, the oil and nuclear pollution, the 50+ years supression of the development and provision
of hundreds of clean energy sources which We, the People must decide are appropriate for our needs and purposes in our localities, the weapons-for-profit glut, the lack of a legitimate Congressionally-coined monetary basis, or the present lack of genuine education, ready access to credit and capital, medical services, alternative healthcare choices, and religious, literary, artistic, and cultural Rights, Freedoms, and Privacys.

Nor have we ever endorsed any of our national governments or national or globalist corporations wholesale disregard for anything other than unmitigated profit at the direct expense of we, their public employers, licensors and customers, whom they both religiously fleece and ever-increasingly fail to serve even in mere appearance, let alone in reality, nor did we ever ask for, select, or choose the lying frauds on our television sets and radios and in our newspapers and magazines who deliver for those who hire them to lie to us for them, nor did we ever authorize the redaction of our 1949 Fairness Doctrine, Equal Time, and Truth In Media provisions, nor did we ever or will we ever choose to accept Diebold or any other fraudulent "voting" mechanism. These were all intentionally foisted on us; we did not freely choose them apart from undue influence. The entire thing, rather like Manhattan, was
sold to us for $14 worth of trinkets which we, scarcely realizing or having any way to realize; naive, trusting and coerced innocents (however savage or noble we may have been), how dangerous and costly such trading of our rights would prove. But a contract proffered in bad faith is not binding; and thus it is many years (far more than six, actually) past time that We, the People of the United States of America immediately impeach Cheney and Bush, fire the media, and serve notice to our recently elected leaders should they
persist in further ignoring us by any more foot-dragging, that we absolutely will faithfully evacuate every single one of them in 2008 bar none in order to select from our ranks representatives who will act in our own interests, and in no one else's, as provided in our American Constitution, in our Declaration of Independence, and in our Bill of Rights.


2:35 AM  

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