Enjoy Halloween

Goblin Valley! My next Halloween, maybe. And my costume today - I'm a cave. Black outfit with petroglyphs. (And the usual bats in belfry.:-))
This is in Utah and was visited by The Camping Machine:
In the 1950's the State of Utah, wanting to preserve and protect this unique area, bought the land and made it a State Park.
Today Goblin Valley State Park is a very nice, out-of-the-way destination for those looking to experience unusual topography in the high desert Colorado Plateau. The 'mushroom'-shaped rocks those cowboys saw were later referred to as 'goblins,' giving the park the name it has today.
at http://www.thecampingmachine.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/Photogallery1/SW-Goblin-Valley-Goblins-1.jpg
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