Saturday, November 03, 2007

Bonus Critter Blogging: Chimpanzee

As Ruth mentioned last night, I've decided to devote the November Critter Blogging to rescue organizations and their efforts.

This first entry comes courtesy of the US Humane Society and their efforts to end the use of chimpanzees in invasive and often unnecessary medical research. From their newsletter on the issue:

...more than 1,200 chimps - some of whom were captured in the wild - still suffer in labs across the country, routinely subjected to painful and invasive experiments or warehoused in cages. Some have been held for more than 50 years.

These chimps can't wait any longer. Please help end their misery by making a special gift today.

The Humane Society of the United States is determined to end the use of invasive biomedical research and testing on chimps. Please take a moment to watch our short video and learn more about our efforts to retire these chimps to appropriate sanctuaries as part of our Chimps Deserve Better campaign.

Then, please make a generous donation to allow us to move every chimp from the darkness of a research lab to the sunshine of a sanctuary, and also help support our other work to stop animal cruelty. Your gift will help ensure that we have the resources we need to push for critical policy reforms to phase out the use of chimps - our closest living relatives - in biomedical research.

Please click on the link and consider making a donation.


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