Friday, November 02, 2007

Friday Catblogging

Did you know there's a 9-Lives cat adoption site? This kitty lives there. Dedicated to Morris, adopted himself, and at 576,870 (this morning at 9:40 CT) adoptions since fall of 2006, they have a right to be proud. Even downright sappy. As follows;

In 1968, a street-wise orange tabby from a Hinsdale, Illinois shelter was about to be put down when staff noticed the cat had a certain “star quality.” They contacted animal handler Bob Martwick, who adopted him on the spot and named him Morris. The rest, as they say, is history.

He’s asking cat lovers everywhere to join him and his own newly adopted pal Li’l Mo in the mission to find safe, loving homes for 1 million cats. Together they’re determined to make a real difference in the lives of homeless cats everywhere.

Diane said she thought she'd make Critterblogging rescue-oriented in November, and I am following suit with Catblogging.



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