Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Not-So-Dead-Enders

Almost from the start of the illegal and misbegotten war in Iraq, administration officials have covered their suprise at the deadly response of Iraqis to being invaded and occupied by naming those who didn't throw candy and rose petals as "dead-enders," or "insurgents," or "Al Qaeda operatives," or "Iranian lackies." Well, those "dead enders" are still at it, although they tend to see themselves in different terms, if this op-ed piece from the Iraqi News Agency is any indication.

Written by someone identified only as "An Iraqi Writer," the piece is openly derisive of George Bush and is titled "The Iraqi Resistance Makes Bush Cry."

Bush was stunned by the intensity of the Iraqi resistance. The reported figures we mentioned above were not the ones that shocked him; it was the real numbers, which actually alarmed him. Bush can lie to his party or people, but he definitely cannot lie to himself. What shocked him even more is that even though he sent 30,000 more troops, he still could not control the situation. This, in fact, not only made him lose some of his precious tears, but almost his mind. ...

And the bug of tears keeps biting some other senators and representatives. Senator Jack Reed, the senior United States senator, tried to explain to Bush in the simplest words possible the reasons behind the Democrats’ opposition to the war: “hundreds of billions have been spent. Our military is strained … we think it is wrong that the President tells us there’s not enough money for our veterans and children’s health care because he is spending $10 billion a month in Iraq.” He also mentions that the troops are facing pressure and all kinds of threats. ...

These great damages to the American forces and economy should represent wake-up calls to all of those supporting the war, selling themselves to the conquerors, thinking that the Iraqi resistance will give up easily. Day after day the Iraqi combatants feel more inclined to defend their soil and keep fighting until their last breath. The history will record their victories until the end of time.
[Emphasis added]

Even through the stunning vitriol, the writer makes one thing very clear: those fighting US forces in Bagdhad, Sadr City, Basra do not see themselves as dead enders or lackies. They see themselves as members of the resistance. Think World War II and France and those resistance fighters, fighting not only the German Occupation, but also the traitorous Vichy government. That is what our troops are up against.

And pouring in 40,000 more US troops isn't going to change their minds, it will only harden their resolve, as it hardened the resolve of the Algerians against the French and the Afghanis against the Russians, and, closer to home, the Vietnamese against the Americans.

The only thing that will stop the killing, the butchery, the maiming is for the US to begin openly formulating a withdrawal time table in concert with the current Iraqi government, making it clear that the US will leave and it will be up to the Iraqis to maintain their own country.

We don't have the 100 years Sen. McCain thinks he can live with. Given the state of our military and the state of our economy, I don't think we have even two years. We've lost so much. To lose any more would be a mark of insanity.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

And as if to reenforce just what you wrote, Sadr has threatened to 'get serious'.

7:30 AM  

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