Saturday, May 10, 2008

No Recourse For Victims

The worst administration ever wants victims of malpractice to suck it in - man up - go fish. That is the meaning of the suits being brought to the Supreme Court arguing that Federal regulation, which is missing and presumed dead, henceforth preempts state and local regulations. This is being carried out by FDA which has lately proved itself not only determinedly powerless, but unwilling, to protect the public from such threats as corrupted medicines and infected meat.

More to the taste of the America haters, medical 'authorities' have joined Pentagon sponsored 'military experts' in proving they are the shills of the agencies that are seeking to dis-serve the public in the interests of profits.

A report recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association should be deeply troubling to the millions of Americans who have taken the blockbuster painkiller Vioxx. The article demonstrated that many of the published scientific studies used to establish the drug’s safety and efficacy had been “ghostwritten” by the manufacturer.

In addition to shaking their confidence in the pharmaceutical industry’s science, the report should alert them to the even greater threat to public health posed by the Bush administration’s recent attempts to terminate the litigation that uncovered the secret documents upon which it relied.

Much of the science that federal agencies like the Food and Drug Administration rely on to assess the safety of consumer products is sponsored by the regulated companies. And it should come as no surprise to learn the one who pays the piper usually calls the tune. Now we discover that the same person also writes the music.
If they succeed, companies subject to the limited oversight of a hollow federal government will no doubt flourish, but the rest of us will not learn the truth about the safety of products that we purchase from them. Worse, consumers who are injured by those products will no longer have a day in court.

The public has been awakening to its newly unprotected status over the past seven+ years, a status that has resulted from the elimination of protections by the occupied White House. That we can't trust the water, the food, the medicines, the skies, the wires - it's become increasingly clear. The courts had been a last resort for those who had seriously been hurt by depredations from industries stripping away safety precautions. It's been discussed here before.

The government of criminals wants the courts to be out of reach of the citizens as well.

Maiming the courts isn't enough protection for the new robber barons of industry - this cabal wants to keep citizens out of them altogether.


Epochal events. Edcouch, Texas, has ended segregation.

Edcouch's City Council made big news (well, big for Edcouch) this week by reversing a 1931 segregation law that banned "Spanish or Mexican" residents from occupying any building on the "American" side of FM1015.

There you go, next it will be okay to speak spanish in the privacy of your home, and then what? LOL.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I've heard, don rumsfeld had a great influence in getting nutrasweet leglized when he was ceo of G.D. Searle; as in, it wouldn't have been approved without him. And I to this day can't understand how Tylenol got OTC status (seeing how it's one pass through the stomach from the functional equivalent of hydroquinone, a chemical so toxic that it cannot be present in 'food grade' styrofoam). In the late'80s
I worked at a company with ties to HIV research and BMS, and was shocked to see how DDI (I believe) was approved for use because of the way BMS removed obvious pancreatitis from the trials. My (brilliant!)boss used to mention that Ritalin was approved based on a six week trial in adult men; now it's given to children on a lifetime regimen. Wolves don't make good hen-house guards, but that is the intent, after all.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Fortunately altho my kids were hyperactive, my pediatrician was savvy and doctored with diet and no drugs. The ritalin is coming back to haunt a lot of parents who became dependent on it to keep their kids quiet.

11:28 AM  

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