Sunday, September 07, 2008

A Compassionate Liberal

Today's Boston Globe has an an opinion piece written by Congressman Barney Frank, the only openly gay man in Congress. He could very well have written a righteously indignant column that excoriates Gov. Sarah Palin for her two-faced hypocrisy, but he didn't. Instead, his analysis is written with compassion even as he makes the point that the philosophy espoused by the GOP's vice-presidential candidate is wrongheaded and the cause of a great deal of unnecessary grief in this country.

According to that right-wing social viewpoint, divorce, teen pregnancy, and other lapses in family values are the fault of liberals. According to this political movement, respecting the right of gay and lesbian people to formalize their relationships; refusing to censor the Internet, books, television or movies; supporting age appropriate sex education; and refusing to allow religion to be inculcated by official government means, are the causes of social dysfunction in America. And every indication we have is that Palin believes this viewpoint.

That is why the questions of divorce and teen pregnancy are relevant in discussions of the McCain/Palin ticket. The individuals involved in these cases deserve to be treated with compassion, but so do millions of other Americans who find themselves in similar situations. But, sadly, they are often met with criticism and hostile public policy formulated by those who now claim Palin as their political champion. Too often, people on the right seek to impose strict standards on others, and blame them for falling short, while making exceptions for those close to them. Respect and compassion should extend to all who find themselves in similar situations.

His sober analysis is right on target. Until we are able to establish a rational discourse on the unnecessary damage being inflicted on people by a world view that seeks only to punish what is asserted to be sinful behavior we will continue to be controlled by that world view. Until we finally reject the notion that government must be subservient to that world view at all costs, the suffering will continue.

Nicely done, Congressman Frank. Very nicely done.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difference is that they're 'saved' and you're not. They sin with abandon, because it's all forgiven, but your sins, and mine, are nihilism. And they'll steal from us, and lie to us, and torture and kill us, to send us to the hell we deserve for not being 'saved' like them.

12:47 PM  
Blogger shrimplate said...

Larry, just like Barney Frank, has a point. And we all know what they call Barney when he's not in the room.

2:15 PM  

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