Friday, February 06, 2009

Friday Catblogging

These are Karmina and Maxxine, in Austin, and no they are not Zombies, they are very sweet cats even tho I frightened them with my suitcase coming up the stairs when I visited. They forgave me. So did War On War Off, who belongs to them. She tells me that Maxxine, the Maine coon varietal (stray), is the most dominant cat she's ever had.

She's planted some wheatgrass on her balcony for the cats so they won't eat the other plants. Karmina is the shier cat, but did finally come to me when I visited last June, and let herself be petted.

They are not terribly attached to each other, as Karmina was ruler of the household before Maxxine arrived as an adolescent. They do tolerate each other though.

They are both rescued cats.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ruth! Yes, they are definitely different personalities, but very sweet in their own way.

1:43 PM  

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