Thursday, October 12, 2006

Diversion II

It would seem that the Grand Old Perverts didn't find Harry Reid's Limited Liability Co. selling land for a profit of @$700,000 (deducting the purchase price) enough of a diversion. Send in the clowns.

From Chris Shays today, we get the memorable sound effects; "Nobody died."

"Republican Rep. Christopher Shays defended the House speaker's handling of a congressional page scandal, saying no one died like during the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident involving Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy.

"I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day," the embattled Connecticut congressman told The Hartford Courant in remarks published Wednesday.

"Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody," he added." []

There is a family value for you. It's perfectly okay for a congressman to get protection from the entire party of the demented as long as he doesn't shoot the page he's madly trying to diddle in the face. Fatally shooting that is. Just coming close to killing him would of course require the page apologize, if recent events in the GOP's past are any clue to behavior standards.

Well, who's to say the page shouldn't apologize, after all if he hadn't been so fatally attractive to the congressman, they'd still be cruising toward a close election. This page may forever be barred from high office by having inappropriately appealed to a pervert.

But Chris Shays takes the high ground. Chappaquidick was proof that the Dems hide the truth ... oh, right, they didn't.

There are really no moral parallels between Foley pursuing an underage employee and Sen. Kennedy's driving off a bridge, which resulted in the death of a young woman who attended a party from which he drove her home. Unless the parallel is purely political, there isn't a seemly basis for comparison.

Guess when he thought up that statement, Sen. Shays didn't take into consideration that family values may not be purely political to the public at large.

Heckuva job, Christopher.

The GOP is the grand old place for politics 7/24/365.25, but it seems to be rudderless where morality and/or decency are concerned.


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