Saturday, March 17, 2007

Democratic Votes Constitutional?

With a cabal in the White House that will do anything for politics, such as making war unilaterally, is it a surprise that giving a vote to the U.S. citizens of the District of Columbia will be opposed?

The District is overwhelmingly Democratic. It is also a community of those public servants that keep our national government afloat, and as old as or older than most of the country. Originally, a portion of the Constitution was given over to outlining the powers of Congress to govern the District without its consent.

A bill before the Congress would give District residents the vote. It is a right that all of those who live in the other states, even those not contiguous ones like Hawaii and Alaska, think they have a right to as U.S. citizens. Do you begin to feel the anomoly that those closest to our national government can't exercise a basic right of citizenship?

The White House thinks that's fine.

"The Constitution specifies that 'only people of the several states' elect representatives to the House," said White House spokesman Alex Conant. "And D.C. is not a state."

Remember, this is the same quaint document that doesn't provide protection from torture, or violation of international agreements such as the Geneva conventions. The war criminals using our basic rule of law that they consider a nuisance when it comes to unitary executive powers is beyond cynical. It is irrational even to such disrespectors of the rule of law as corporate champion Ken Starr (presently deeply involved in overturn of Sarbanes/Oxley protections for investors) and patriot act architect Viet D. Dinh.

As noted, the quibble the war criminals would use to exclude a large voting block of Democrats is a word game. Constitutional questions were certainly raised in the bill our cretin in chief signed outlawing 'partial birth abortion' which isn't even an actual medical practice. That same C-i-C has no problem with allowing D.C. residents to serve in the armed forces and die for the country that doesn't give them the vote.

As usual, political game playing dominates what passes for policies of this maladministration. I wonder if the district residents now providing power, sewer and water line access and, say, street sweeping services to the White House, might consider that they are feeling a little queasy this morning and can let the invaders take care of their own necessities ... wouldn't that be sweet?

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