Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday Cat Blogging

This is Cap'n Dan. You may not be able to tell here, but he has three legs and the stumps of ears, and lives at my Vet's office. He got brought in all mangled up and this is a Vet who really loves cats.

Cap'n Dan is not shy, though he looks like he doesn't understand why they're taking his picture. They're taking his picture so I can show it to you folks.

Fluffy is getting through the surgery I showed last week, and mostly healed up. His limp is still very pronounced, but the pain is gone. He's taken to this indoor life, and keeps my feet warm.

Here he is about to be cut on, looking like a lambchop.

By the way, I am accepting contributions for help with the cost of surgery, so far $685.90. And thanks, ql for her contribution, and Barry From Alaska, who has offered but hasn't been in touch since this actually happened. [Hello, ptarmigannest, the answer is Yes.] Let him know please, if you talk to him.



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