Thursday, August 02, 2007

America Being Treated as Cash Cow

In economics studies you learn the terms 'cash cow' and corporate takeover, and that is what I see happening in the treatment of this country by the cabal in the White House. We are seeing America's assets stripped away to support the criminal group that has taken over.

Of course, there is no appearance, and no occurrence, of public interest there. We always were innocent enough to expect that anyone seeking high office, for which compensation is not on a scale with corporate returns, to be activated by a wish to serve. This is not the case. There is no pretense left on the part of the administration that it has any interest in America as anything but a trough of free money for its own corporate interests. They have effected a thoroughly dishonest and disreputable corporte takeover of this country, and are using it as a cash cow from which they are sucking out the assets.

The Carlyle Corporation which is thoroughly explored in 'Fahrenheit 911' by Michael Moore has been a major source of the resource that has provided them with the lifestyle of the rich and famous. It is deeply involved in defense contracting and equipment and oil production. Much of its directorate is Middle Eastern, mainly Saudi. No one has been better served by the executive branch than these economic interests.

Now the appropriations process that attempts to use this country's resources for its own needs has been brought to a dead end. The cretin in chief will veto legislation that appropriates our own money for our own citizens. The billionaires would be upset with the use of the trough they've got their snouts in. It isn't going to be allowed.

Everyone in the Congress should be incensed by this blatant theft. The vetoes should be overcome. Anyone who votes to uphold a veto of Congressionally created monetary operations, which Congress has the constitutional right to manage, should be thrown out. Theft is the object and the purpose of the war criminals, and their hands are bloody from it.

We have criminals at the helm, and it's past time for that to end. Anyone who joins them as an accomplice may be promised a share in the spoils, but will share in the prosecution to come.

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Blogger shrimplate said...

A few years back I stumbled across the book Pentagonism, a Substitute for Imperialism, by Juan Bosch.

Its basic premise is that there's a new style of imperialism in which a country exploits its own people instead of a foreign population. Wealth moves outwards from the center of empire, instead of from the colonies into the center.

I can see that in play with Iraq. The American taxpayer is the "cash cow" that feeds the already overstuffed coffers of KBR and the like.

In the old days of paleo-imperialism (my neologism of the day!) it was the foreign country that was robbed of its wealth. Now we just do it to ourselves in a reversal of imperial cashflow but the middlemen still make out like bandits.

It's a living.

6:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my blog a few months ago.

A double hit to the taxpayers

You know, all of those great contractors. The ones in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the ones sent to New Orleans. These are the ones who have been given hundreds of billions to do work, most of which was never done.
Well according to the US GAO these same contractors owe the US 7.7 billion dollars in back taxes.

8:51 AM  

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