Friday, July 11, 2008

Some Heroics

Thanks are due to quite a few people this week, among them Senator Dodd and Senator Kennedy.

The vote that saved Medicare legislation came from a Senator Kennedy who should have been recuperating from removal of a brain tumor, but who wouldn't let the bill die. After he appeared, to cheers from everyone present, an additional eight right wing senators inspired to leave their usual obstructionism, and to add their votes, giving the bill a majority that would deny the occupied WH a veto.

Caring more about the country than they do about party politics, the Dems have shown again today that they are determined to keep the country from disaster. Senator Dodd held a press conference as the stock market plummeted, insisting that the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage loans were for the most part sound. As Dodd stated, the majority of their loans are 30-year, not ARM, mortgage loans.

The threat that the two agencies would not be able to get funding for loans was allayed, and the stock market stopped its plunge. It just closed at a loss of more than 128 points, not altogether saved but up from its 200+ point losses earlier in the day.

It's been a really rotten year in the Senate, with 82 filibuster actions by the GoPervs thus far making it wait 30 hours every time action is needed. Without a majority in the next congress, the 111th, capable of gettting action, the public interrest will again be thrown down the drain. The wingers are not pretending anymore. They don't serve the public, they serve themselves, and lie about it.

A standing cheer for Senators Kennedy and Dodd, for heroic action.

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