Monday, September 01, 2008


Last time I heard anything about 17 year olds being pregnant, it was a criminal charge. Minors who have SEX, there, that's for you values voters, are taken advantage of. If you marry off a minor to a person who didn't have respect for her age, then you did not do the right thing.

The weird round of issues that we have encountered in this vice-presidential choice has included so far: a woman in labor taking a 12 hour plane ride rather than go to a hospital, which I was instructed to do if my water broke; a child who is pregnant - who is going to marry the father of the child who didn't marry her before he got her pregnant - but is going now to be the responsible adult to be a father to the child of some one too young to be pregnant; privacy issues raised by the values voters who are swallowing all this and saying here's some one qualified to be your president; abstinence-only education having its usual result.

This has got to be the biggest insult to this country that has ever been issued, and from the Dig Here Dig Now element - that admits it knows what it is proposing won't do what it claims it will do - is ludicrous, and assumes total idiocy on the part of those values voters.

When the cretin in chief was caught on a live mike saying that the stock market got drunk and was just now sobering up, instead of his public stance that 'supply and demand' made gasoline prices reach the level that is destroying this economy - that was just another example of the right wing's firm belief that the U.S. doesn't have the intelligence to vote for its own best interests.

The convention in St. Paul is a total insult to this country, because it continues to lie; that the wars they have waged without basis in factl; torture they have condoned while knowing it doesn't give useful intelligence; the end of the rule of law; mortgaging our future and the futures of those who had faith in our laws; abstinence only education; the burgeoning lies, insisting on the only answer the right wing has.

The wingers' deeds speak loudly, they are what the voter needs to examine. Its words are all about denying the facts The consequences of acting on lies are the disasters we are experiencing.

My heart goes out to that child who has been victimised by these lies. My heart goes out to all the victims. We need to honor their rights, and vote out these criminals who have no respect for the public, and no judgment about their actions under this lack of principle.

Anyone who actually sees no difference between glorification of minors who have gotten pregnant and women's rights advocacy is so deluded that remedial education is almost hopeless. There is no connection between them.

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Blogger shrimplate said...

My heart goes out to Bristol and I wish her good health.

But her mother; well, that's another story. She's very creepy. Even for a Republican. And that's sayin' somethin'.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

The child needs care, and that care has been given by such mothers as we have seen in the White House with the multitude of demands on them, shows that there are values and then there are Values Voters. The brands are not the same.

12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, we are fighting the right wing crazies and criminals and not Sarah Palin. As a father of adult kids, I know that my control over my kids behavior is and always was limited. Kids grow up and make their own decision. My youngest was drinking and using drugs in high school. I never drank and didn't use drugs. He is fine; he is a labor organizer.

This, of course, doesn't justify the stupid abstinence education. It probably causes more difficulties than no sexual education at all.

2:38 PM  

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