Friday Catblogging

This is Barndog's Frankie.
Here is some information I think is worth reviewing:
How can I tell if the Rescuer or Breeder is reputable?
Rescuers and breeders are human beings so you will find that there are good folk and bad doing both. There are reputable breeders and there are some folk who breed cats but do not value ethical considerations or breed with the ultimate aim of improving the breed. Similarly, there are some Rescues that become "collectors", placing few cats, and others which have poor conditions or misrepresent the cats they offer for sale.
The reputable rescuer is willing to talk to the prospective buyer and a share information about the cat’s history, if available, about any personality quirks or special care needs, and about cat care and maintenance, both before and after placement.
In the same vein, the reputable breeder is willing to take the time to talk with the prospective purchaser and share information about the breed, cat care and maintenance, both before and after the purchase.
The reputable breeder or rescuer will interview the prospective in depth to determine the kind of home the kitten or cat is being offered and will only place the kitten or cat in a home they have approved. In addition, they will query you on your cat care knowledge and experience.
More is available at the linked site.
Labels: Humane Treatment of Animals
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