Sunday, October 15, 2006


Actually, I was planning to comment after Meet The Press, having seen that Bolton was going to be on. But after MTP, where I noted that in the subsequent debate between Minnesota condidates, Russert used the same question he had in the Missouri debate, how can you refuse now to support the Cretin in Chief when you voted with him 92% of the time (MO was 95%), and the thuglican candidate again said history would be the judge... Isn't it great, having sold the country down the river for their entire terms, now these GOPerverts are going to say that they're independent? and expect the ignorant to swallow that?

But then I peeked in on CSpan, and found Lt. Cdr Swift on the show, talking about his defense of the accused at Gitmo. Swift btw won the Hamdi decision against the WH and its perjured DoJ.

I would like to point out that under our system of justice, an accused person is not a guilty person. A person accused of terrorism isn't A Terrorist. But over and again, I am hearing the GOP candidates calling them Terrorists. As in, the terrorists aren't treating our personnel with any justice or decency. Which happens to be true. But the detainees at Gitmo aren't Terrorists. They're accused of terrorist association. Many of them were sold to our forces for money - we paid to have the accused be accused of terrorism. Charges in many cases have never been brought, by our DoJ -which is not acting like the instrument of justice, a scale, more like an instrument of punishment, say, a rack.

No, I'm not calm on this subject. Torture = arrest, detention, jail for no reason or for any crime. For an indeterminant period of time.

We should be better than that. And I am hoping you will be working to put in an administration that upholds the principles that this country was founded on. A major one is justice. Rule of law. Time to turn to the high road, folks, and all of us will be more secure when we do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I made a very similar comment over at First Draft.

Every one of the people at Gitmo is, in the eyes of the law, INNOCENT. Not one of them has been charged with anything in a court of law, let alone convicted of anything, and therefore they are, every man jack of them, INNOCENT.

We are torturing INNOCENT PEOPLE.

We have been imprisoning INNOCENT PEOPLE for years.

We don't want to establish whether they are really innocent or not; we are perfectly content that they remain uncharged and therefore INNOCENT.

Is there anything more outrageous that the Bush Administration and its enablers have done? I can't think of anything.

7:08 PM  

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