Friday Catblogging

Bobcat! One of these I have never seen outside a zoo, but a lot of the local athletic teams are named after them, so at one time they must have been pretty common in N. TX.
An adaptable North American cat found in a variety of habitats and able to tolerate living near to humans. It is closely related to the Lynx, but only half the size and is considered more aggressive and harder to tame. It has been hybridised with domestic cats. Its black ear tufts and its ruff are less prominent than those of the Lynx and its short tail lacks a black tip. The colour ranges from light grey to reddish brown, though melanistic, albino (blue-eyed white) and leucistic (dark-eyed white) Bobcats have been found. It has black spots on the legs and black markings on the face (black-nosed Bobcats have been reported). Bobcats are opportunistic feeders taking small mammals (especially hare), birds, carrion and any almost other creature they can catch, including domestic poultry. Bobcat are killed and eaten by larger North American wild cats: Jaguar, Lynx and Puma. (Photo: Mindy Stinner, Conservators Center, Inc)
And for the Quote of the Day I propose the cretin in chief, addressing the situation in Jena, LA;
All of us in America want there to be, you know, fairness when it comes to justice.
President GEORGE W. BUSH
on anti-racism protests in Jena, La., following the arrest of six black teens in the beating of a white classmate - from Reuters,
Labels: Humane Treatment of Animals
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