Friday Catblogging

It's Adoptathon Weekend, Cute companions are available many places and here's a precious one.
Polly is a gorgeous "torbie"--a cross between a tabby and a tortoiseshell. She has a striking patch of muted orange on her face and a large white blaze on her chest. Polly is intimidated by the other cats here and shows it by growling at them; she needs a little time to get used to most people, too. We believe she's about 6 years old.
Polly has heart disease and asthma, so she's one of our Special Needs crew. At present, her heart murmur is mild enough so that she doesn't require any medication for it, but she'll need an ultrasound every six months to check on her condition. She's on an inhaler once every other day for her asthma. As is the case with people, either condition could change over time. We think she'd do nicely as an "only" cat, or perhaps in a home with one other feline.
Update: Polly continued to be intimidated by other cats in her suite to the point where we've brought her out to the lobby. With fewer cats around her, we know she's happier there.
She's at Tabby's Place, near New York and Philly.
Labels: Humane Treatment of Animals
"You haz mouse?"
- bo
That is one cute kitteh!!!!!! Love the look on his face! Must have just listened to the Bush press conference.
If he'd listened to that he'd be under the table, crying.
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